The amount of people that are affected by the amount of yaunaroge pratibachara worldwide is estimated at 5 million. Ganoriyayai is only affected at the more than six age. It is more than the young adolescent is the world's AIDS virus kotirao affected by the death of the day for counting. Statistics shown in the previous year are affected about 10 million male yuktarastrei siphalise pratibachara - women. Thus, the action must be supreme yaunaroga pratirodhakalpe. Yaunaroga such as syphilis, gonorrhea, or AIDS, it is not. 5 is a disease that often spread to the yaunapathe. In addition to fatal diseases like AIDS are included in the jaundice. That few people think before they do not have any sangatajanita disease. The treatment is one of pratirodhai yaunarogera not. The youth -  between the education that we will pemche what they should be able to protect themselves. We remember, we hate to do a

Disease, but the patient is not actually being the opposite of our country. We do not hold in both eyes when the patient yaunaroga and sensual. So, come, we must note that we can prevent the spread of the disease.

1. To raise awareness among the youth of the society, they will know that they also know that their pratirodhayogya disease and death may result if the disease.

Year. College, University of the label to be included in the system so that pathyasucite sexual disease prevention and youth - youth of the gruesomeness
Disease minimum knowledge about the non-able.
3. If the health care system for diagnosis and treatment of affected district level will be affected by rapid
Treatment chance.
4. If someone is affected by the treatment of his partner or both can be arranged, and the husband - wife, but in both cases with the diagnosis and treatment can be arranged. Even if it is temporarily off-again husband and wife from husband to wife or no, and condom use with a specific mechanism to train people to be polygamous and to encourage them to give way to polygamy.
5. Condom use. And condom use in a specific mechanism to train people to be polygamous and to encourage them to give way to polygamy.
6. Condoms can not prevent all yaunaroga to be in public. Many people think that the idea of ​​condom use for those who simply can not be yaunaroga bahugamitaya I believe they will put their knowledge to be about and yaunarogera gruesomeness.
7. Educating people on the occasion of the pudenda, it tests you, and teach them to be.
8. The prefix may be many sexual diseases. In most cases conditions may be prefix, such as gonorrhea for women. Thus, sexual disease and no symptoms, so I think this is not correct. The lesions disappeared after a few days siphilise wound treatment, but the proximity of this does not mean that he or she has been rogamukta. The germ of his body, and the chronic form of treatment, if Neil can be a variety of complications and even his life may be endangered.
9. Besnada use of toothbrush and shave each other should not be cut. To save time, or brush their teeth when the teeth can be cut out to be blood and the blood of the bacteria may be easily moved to another user's body.
10. Socialization for fear of AIDS or something yaunaroge affected person to believe that AIDS can've been to hear the news for fear of police medical examination, they do not want AIDS. The concept is not in the least true.
11. National and district level committee to prevent yaunaroga and prevent its spread can be a strong role.
1. Before accepting or giving blood, AIDS, Hepatitis - B and syphilis test must be done. They found that the blood must be taken to prevent.
13. Ceased to be a supreme effort to carry out drug sirapathe grahanakaridera. If you do not stop if they can at least teach them to be in itself more than once that they do not use the same needle. When AIDS began to spread that the body can be in any yaunaroga. Above all religious and moral consciousness can not be switched on to improve. The moral development of their respective parents, their children can receive a special role.

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